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Legislative Updates

This register is updated regularly and new developments are reported in every second edition of Hugovision.

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  • Customer and Product Data Bill

    May 27, 2024 / Bills in progress

  • Introduced on May 16. The bill introduces a “consumer data right”. The intention is to give customers (including both individuals and entities) in designated sectors greater control over how their customer data is accessed and used, promote innovation and facilitate competition, and facilitate secure, standardised, and efficient data services. The bill aims to achieve this by requiring businesses that hold designated customer data (data holders) to provide that data to the customer and, with the customer’s authorisation, to accredited third parties. First reading on June 23 with all parties in favour and sent to the economic development, science and innovation committee.



    Customer and Product Data Bill

  • Education and Training Amendment Bill

    July 22, 2024 / Bills in progress

  • Introduced on June 24. This bill repeals the early childhood education network approval provisions, provides for a new type of school (charter school/kura hourua), and enables the Secretary for Education to make rules about attendance data. First reading completed under Urgency on June 25 with the support of National, Act and NZ First. Sent to the Education and Workforce Committee to be reported back by Sept 5.

    Education and Training Amendment Bill

  • Electoral (Lowering Voting Age for Local Elections and Polls) Legislation Bill

    August 16, 2023 / Bills in progress

  • Introduced on Aug 15. The bill reduces the voting age in local elections and polls from 18 to 16 years of age. It establishes a new category of electors, named youth electors, and provides for 16-year-olds and 17-year-olds to be registered on a youth electoral roll. It does not change the age for voting, being elected or appointed as a member of an alcohol licensing trust or trustee of a community trust or serving as a juror. First reading on Aug 29 and sent to the justice committee with National and Act opposed.

    Electoral (Lowering Voting Age for Local Elections and Polls) Legislation Bill.

  • Emergency Management Bill

    July 15, 2023 / Bills in progress

  • Introduced on June 27. The bill replaces the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 and retains the existing functions and powers it provides for managing emergencies at local, regional, and national levels. It establishes a more flexible regulatory framework for setting standards and managing the emergency management system across the 4 stages of risk reduction, readiness, response, and recovery. First reading on June 29 with National and Act opposed and sent to the governance and administration committee.


    Emergency Management Bill

  • Employment Relations (Protection for Kiwisaver Members) Amendment Bill

    June 18, 2023 / Bills in progress

  • Member’s bill in the names of Tracey McLellan drawn from the ballot and introduced on June 7. The bill aims to ensure that workers cannot be discriminated against because they are members of a Kiwisaver scheme or a complying superannuation fund. First reading on Aug 30 and referred to the Finance and Expenditure Committee with Act opposed.

    Employment Relations (Protection for Kiwisaver Members) Amendment Bill

  • Employment Relations (Restraint of Trade) Amendment Bill

    September 25, 2022 / Bills in progress

  • Introduced on Sept 22. A member’s bill in the name of Labour MP Helen White. It would prohibit the use of restraints of trade in employment agreements for lower and middle income employees. It will also require employers of higher income employees to consider whether a restraint of trade is appropriate in relation to those employees and, if they insist on a restraint of trade, to compensate the employees for it. First reading completed on July 26 with National and Act opposed and sent to the Education and Workforce Committee.

    Employment Relations (Restraint of Trade) Amendment Bill

  • Employment Relations (Trial Periods) Amendment Bill

    September 10, 2023 / Bills in progress

  • Introduced on Aug 31. A member’s bill in the name of James McDowall. It amends the Employment Relations Act to enable businesses that have 20 or more employees to include a 90-day trial period in a new employee’s employment agreement. Adopted by the govt following the election.

    Employment Relations (Trial Periods) Amendment Bill.

  • Fair Digital News Bargaining Bill

    September 10, 2023 / Bills in progress

  • Introduced on Aug 17. The purpose of this bill is to enable fair bargaining between media and operators of digital platforms to support commercial arrangements for news content. First reading on Aug 30 and sent to the economic development, science and innovation committee with National and Act opposed.


    Fair Digital News Bargaining Bill

  • Fair Trading (Gift Card Expiry) Amendment Bill

    November 20, 2022 / Bills in progress

  • Bill in the name of Melissa Lee drawn from the ballot and introduced on Nov 11. The bill seeks to prohibit the sale of gift cards with an expiry date of less than three years after the initial sale date. First reading on Aug 1 with Act opposed and sent to the Economic Development, Science and Innovation Committee.

    Fair Trading (Gift Card Expiry) Amendment Bill

  • Family Proceedings (Dissolution for Family Violence) Amendment Bill

    September 10, 2023 / Bills in progress

  • A member’s bill in the name of Angie Warren-Clark drawn from the ballot on May 11. The bill allows a party to a marriage or civil union to apply for an order dissolving a marriage or civil union if they have been the victim of family violence inflicted by the other party in the relationship. First reading on Aug 30 and sent to the justice committee with all parties in favour. 

    Family Proceedings (Dissolution for Family Violence) Amendment Bill