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Legislative Updates

This register is updated regularly and new developments are reported in every second edition of Hugovision.

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  • Fast-track Approvals Bill

    March 30, 2024 / Bills in progress

  • Introduced on March 7. The bill sets up a fast-track consent approval process across the RMA and other legislation through ministerial referral to an expert committee which has a limited remit. First reading on March 7 and referred to the environment committee with National, Act and NZ First in favour.

    Fast-track Approvals Bill

  • Firearms Prohibition Orders Legislation Amendment Bill

    March 5, 2024 / Bills in progress

  • Introduced on March 1, the bill’s primary aim is to change the way firearms prohibition orders are administered in relation to people whose behaviour and actions pose a high risk of violence. First reading on March 5 and sent to justice committee with National, Act and NZ First in favour.


    Firearms Prohibition Orders Legislation Amendment Bill

  • Fisheries (International Fishing and Other Matters) Amendment Bill

    August 13, 2023 / Bills in progress

  • Introduced on Aug 3 2023. This bill amends the Fisheries Act to enable NZ to better meet its international fishing management and compliance obligations in relation to illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing. First reading on March 28 2024 and sent to the primary production committee with all parties in favour.

    Fisheries (International Fishing and Other Matters) Amendment Bill

  • Gangs Legislation Amendment Bill

    March 30, 2024 / Bills in progress

  • Introduced on March 7. The bill introduces a number of measures intended to curb criminal gangs. It makes it an offence to display gang insignia in public places, creates a new dispersal power to stop gang members gathering in public, creates a new non-consorting order and make gang membership an aggravating factor at sentencing. The Attorney-General said aspects were a breach of the Bill of Rights Act. First reading on March 7 opposed by the Greens  and Te Pāti Māori. Sent to the justice committee and to be reported back on July 7.




    Gangs Legislation Amendment Bill

  • Girl Guides Association (New Zealand Branch) Incorporation Amendment Bill

    February 13, 2021 / Bills in progress

  • A private bill sponsored by Duncan Webb and introduced on Deb 9, 2021. It allows the Girl Guides Association of NZ to sell properties now uneconomic to hold, despite the constraints of its incorporating legislation. First reading on March 10, supported by all parties and referred to the Social Services Committee. Report back deadline extended from Sept 10 to March 10 2022.

    Girl Guides Association (New Zealand Branch) Incorporation Amendment Bill

  • Local Government (Electoral Legislation and Māori Wards and Māori Constituencies) Amendment Bill

    May 27, 2024 / Bills in progress

  • Introduced on May 20. The bill reinstates polls on Māori wards and Māori constituencies, require councils to hold a binding poll at the 2025 local elections, and adjust the statutory time frames for local elections. First reading on May 23 with National, Act and NZ First in favour. Sent to the justice committee to be reported back by June 21. Reported back on June 21 with a number of amendments and minority reports expressing strong opposition to the bill and the process.

    Local Government (Electoral Legislation and Māori Wards and Māori Constituencies) Amendment Bill

  • Local Government (Water Services Preliminary Arrangements) Bill

    June 20, 2024 / Bills in progress

  • Introduced on May 30 under Urgency. The bill lays the foundation for a new framework of water services management, including a new water services delivery arrangement for Auckland. Councils will be able to use the provisions to start planning future water services delivery and undertake steps to establish, join, or amend council-controlled organisations. It requires councils to submit water services delivery plans within 12 months of the bill’s enactment. These plans can be done jointly between councils. The bill also requires councils to provide information for economic regulation. A further bill is planned. First reading under Urgency and sent to the Finance and Expenditure Committee with the support of National, Act and NZ First to be reported back by July 18. Reported back with minor amendments and opinions divided along party lines.


    Local Government (Water Services Preliminary Arrangements) Bill

  • Māori Fisheries Amendment Bill

    March 12, 2023 / Bills in progress

  • Introduced on Dec 20. The bill makes changes to the Māori Fisheries Act to give effect to recommendations of Te Ohu Kai Moana’s review of settlement entities. First reading on March 8 supported by all parties and sent to the Māori Affairs Committee. Reported back on March 9 2023 with a large number of amendments and National indicated it opposed a number of the proposals. Second reading completed with all parties in favour on April 30 2024 with the govt saying it would proceed with the bill, but changes would be made in the committee stage. Committee stage completed on May 22 with a number of amendments.


    Māori Fisheries Amendment Bill

  • McLean Institute (Trust Variation) Bill

    July 15, 2023 / Bills in progress

  • Introduced on June 16. A private bill in the name of Duncan Webb which update and varies the terms of the McLean Institute set out in its trust deed, notably the charitable objects of the institute and the powers of the board. The institute was established in the will of Allan McLean in 1907 to benefit destitute women and, in particular, women of refinement or education in straitened circumstances, along with their children. First reading on June 28 with all parties in favour and referred to the social services and community committee. Reported back on July 20 2023. Second reading on May 8 2024 with all parties in agreement.

    McLean Institute (Trust Variation) Bill

  • Overseas Investment (Build-to-rent and Similar Rental Developments) Amendment Bill

    June 20, 2024 / Bills in progress

  • Introduced on June 11. The bill provides a new streamlined test that allows overseas investors to buy existing large rental developments, providing they meet the requirements of the investor test. This test enables other types of large rental developments that are functionally the same as BTR but may be considered different housing types, such as worker accommodation. Consent will be conditional on investors continuing to make available for lease at least 20 of the dwellings; otherwise, they must divest their interest in the asset. First reading on June 25 under Urgency and sent to the finance and expenditure committee with the Greens voting against. Report back due by Nov 1.

    Overseas Investment (Build-to-rent and Similar Rental Developments) Amendment Bill