The Hugo Group

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Biosecurity (Information for Incoming Passengers) Amendment Bill

Member’s bill in the name of Steph Willis, introduced on April 8. The bill amends the Biosecurity Act to require that all craft coming to NZ are required to provide biosecurity information to the persons onboard by means of an audio-visual recording and writing. First reading on June 30 with all parties in favour and referred to the Primary Production Committee. Reported back on Dec 3 with a large number of changes. These include delaying the commencement until specified by Order in Council, or 12 months after the bill receives Royal assent, whichever comes first. Much of the detail proposed in the bill is stripped out and replaced with a general duty to provide information with more detail to be set by regulation. Second reading completed on March 16 with all parties in favour. Committee stage completed on Sept 21. Third reading on Oct 19 with all parties in favour. Biosecurity (Information for Incoming Passengers) Amendment Bill