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Building (Earthquake-prone Buildings) Amendment Bill

Gives effect to decisions in Aug 2013 on managing earthquake prone buildings and gives the central government a bigger oversight role. Requires local authorities to do seismic capacity assessments of non-residential buildings and multi-storey and multi-unit residential buildings. Sets up a seismic register of buildings. Clarifies what an earthquake-prone building is and allows rules to be applied to parts of the building. Requires remedial work within 20 years to ensure a building is not earthquake-prone, with an extra 10 years for category 1 historic buildings and exemptions for other work which would otherwise be required in building consents. Prioritises work on some buildings. Allows for exemptions for certain buildings. Introduced Dec 9, 2013. First reading March 5 opposed only by the Greens and sent to the Local Govt and Environment Committee for consideration, submissions closed on April 17 2014. Select Committee report now due by March 30 2015. On Feb 24 the committee was given an extended deadline of July 30. On June 23 the select committee presented an interim report on the bill after a rethink about priorities in strengthening buildings. This included new timeframes and reclassification of buildings, with some to be covered by new law more quickly and others delayed or  exempted. Submissions on the interim report close on July 16 with a final report due by September 3. Reported back on September 2 confirming changes announced in May, such as zoning areas into low, medium and high risk, and the prioritising of education, hospital and emergency buildings. The most significant change in the bill since then is adding a new category of priority buildings to cover parts of an unreinforced masonry building like a parapet or veranda which could fall into a public area. Completed its second reading on March 2 by 120  to 1 with ACT opposed. David Seymour said changes to the bill did not do enough to reduce costs relating to low risk buildings and areas, particularly in Auckland. Committee stage completed on March 30 with Seymour’s amendments shot down and third reading interrupted on April 12. Third reading completed on May 10 with just ACT opposing.  Building (Earthquake-prone Buildings) Amendment Bill