The Hugo Group

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Customs and Excise Bill

Introduced on November 23, 2016. The Bill modernises and updates the Customs and Excise Act.  The bill also includes a number of policy changes. These include: increasing transparency of the obligations for users of the Act, reducing unnecessary processes, and enabling possible future changes in technology to be accommodated. Completed its first reading on December 6 with all parties in support and was referred to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee. Reported back on May 16, 2017 with a number of changes, both administrative and substantive. These include rewrites of provisions around levies on domestically manufactured tobacco, fuel, and alcohol, as well as fuels remixed within NZ. Completed second reading on Dec 5 with all parties in favour. Committee stage interrupted on Feb 14 and again on Feb 22 and completed on Feb 28. Completed third reading on March 22 Customs and Excise Bill