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Earthquake Commission Amendment Bill

Introduced on March 22. The Bill’s changes include; Increasing the cap limit on EQC residential building cover to $150,000 (plus GST), enabling EQC to accept claim notifications for up to two years after a natural disaster, rather than the current three-month time limit for such notifications and removing EQC insurance cover for contents. It is expected the changes and the increase to the cap limit for EQC residential building cover, will come into effect on 1 July 2019. The Govt indicated more changes were likely as a result of the upcoming inquiry into the EQC. Completed first reading on March 29 with all parties in agreement and sent to the Finance and Expenditure Committee. Reported back on Sept 28 with a small number of changes including to the time limits for claims. Second reading completed on Nov 8 with all parties in agreement.  Commitee stage completed on Dec 11. Third reading completed on Feb 12.  Earthquake Commission Amendment Bill