The Hugo Group

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Education (Tertiary Education and Other Matters) Amendment Bill

Introduced on February 8, 2017. The Bill increases the flexibility of funding of tertiary institutions including allowing for longer term funding. Further strengthens monitoring and compliance, seeks more consistent treatment of tertiary education providers (including allowing other institutions to be called universities and extends student protection arrangements. This includes extending Export Education Levy reimbursement provisions to cover private and partnership schools allowing international students to be reimbursed for their fees and continue to study in New Zealand should the private school they are studying at fail. First reading completed on May 11 with Labour, Greens and NZ First opposed and was referred to the Education and Science Committee. Reported back from select committee of Feb 16 with a large number of changes. All parties now support the Bill and it completed its committee stage on Feb 27. Third reading completed on March 27.

. Education (Tertiary Education and Other Matters) Amendment Bill