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Election Access Fund Bill

Bill drawn from the ballot on Feb 22 in the name of Chloe Swarbrick. will establish an Election Access Fund to be administered by the Electoral Commission and used by any disabled candidate to cover disability-related costs of standing in a general election, by not-for-profit bodies to cover costs of making election education events and materials accessible, and by registered political parties to support access needs of any members to allow them to participate within the party. Supported by all parties in its first reading on May 16. A number of National MPs expressed concern about funding being directed through political parties. The Bill was referred to the Governance and Administration Committee. Report back extended from Nov 16 to Feb 25, 2019. Report back extended again to June 24 and again extended to Oct 21. Reported back on Sept 24 with minor changes including the extension of  the provisions to by-elections and strengthening of provisions for a review of the impact of the law change. Second reading Dec 4, committee stage Dec 10 with all parties in support. Third reading completed on March 11 with all parties in support. Election Access Fund Bill