The Hugo Group

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Environmental Reporting Bill

Introduced Feb 20 2014. Sets up a mandatory environmental reporting regime to be conducted by the Environment Secretary and Govt Statistician. First reading on March 5 supported by National, Greens, Maori Party, ACT and United Future. Labour agrees in principle, but disagrees with detail. NZ First, like the Greens, wants the Environment Commissioner to run the process. Sent to Local Govt and Environment Committee. Submissions closed on April 17 2014. Reported back from select committee with minor amendments on March 30. Both the Greens and Labour oppose the bill as they wish statutory independence in setting the monitoring regime and reporting on it. Second reading completed on May 19 with just National, ACT and United future supporting. Committee stage completed on June 30 with no side shifting their positions over the ministerial roles set out in the bill. Completed its third reading on September 24 with National, Maori Party, ACT and United Future in support.  Environmental Reporting Bill