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Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf (Environmental Effects) (Transitional Provisions) Amendment Bill

Introduced on Feb 18 2015 and received its first reading on Feb 26. The bill is to ensure existing operations in the EEZ can continue until new consents are processed. Aimed at Shell Todd Oil Service’s Maui gas platforms whose current license may expire before a current marine consent application is completed. The bill was referred to the Local Government and Environment Committee with an abridged report back date of June 29 by 106 to 13. The Greens opposed saying the case had not been made for the law being in the public interest and not just the interest of an oil and gas company. Reported back from select committee on May 29 with only minor amendments and no dissenting opinions. Given priority by the Government in June and completed all stages by June 23. The bill completed its third reading by 119 to 2 with just the Maori Party opposed. The Greens reversed their opposition saying they accepted the dire economic consequences of the Maui field being closed down. Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf (Environmental Effects) (Transitional Provisions) Amendment Bill