The Hugo Group

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Families Package (Income Tax and Benefits) Bill

Introduced on Dec 14 under Urgency to pass through all stages. The Bill gives effect to policy changes that form a ‘Families Package’ of changes to income tax and benefits. The changes repeal tax threshold changes, reinstate the independent earner tax credit, and repeal Working for Families tax credit changes legislated as part of the Budget 2017 Family Incomes Package. There are increased payments of family tax credit, and the Working for Families tax credit abatement threshold is raised. The Orphan’s Benefit and Unsupported Child’s Benefit is increased and a Best Start tax credit to help families with costs in a child’s early years is introduced. A Winter Energy Payment is also introduced and there are changes to the Accommodation Supplement. Bill completed all stages on the evening of Dec 15 with National and ACT opposing. Families Package (Income Tax and Benefits) Bill