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Health and Safety Reform Bill

Described by the govt as the biggest health and safety reforms in 20 years it intends to put more onus and legal requirements on managers and company directors to manage risks and keep their workers safe. It also establishes stronger penalties, enforcement tools, graduated offence categories and court powers. The bill will be followed by two phases of regulations, expected to be released for consultation later this year. The first reading of the Health and Safety Reform Bill was completed on a voice vote on March 13 2014 despite Opposition criticism of details in the bill. Submissions closed on April 11. Report due back by March 30 2015. Report deadline extended to May 29. Report back again extended to July 27 due to disagreement in the National caucus with some MPs arguing it is too prescriptive and heavy handed. Reported back on July 24 with a raft of changes including more flexibility and exemptions for low risk small businesses. Officer duties will now apply only with a very senior governance role with significant influence over the management of the business. Labour withdrew support for the bill saying it had been substantially watered down. Regulations to run alongside the legislation are still being drawn up and ministers are signalling further changes in the committee stage. Completed second reading on July 30 angrily objected to by Labour and the Greens. NZ First also opposed mainly on the grounds of additional expense to small and medium employers. Government indicated it would release more detail about regulations over which industries would be declared safe and other matters before the committee stage. Bill was still supported by National, Maori Party, ACT and United Future. Completed second reading on July 30 angrily objected to be Labour and the Greens. NZ First also opposed mainly on the grounds of additional expense to small and medium employers. Government indicated it would release more detail about regulations over which industries would be declared safe and other matters before the committee stage. Bill was still supported by National, Maori Party, ACT and United Future. Committee stage began on August 18 with Govt revealing regulations laying out exemptions. The debate made it clear there was wide support for large parts of the bill, but Labour and the Greens in particular were unhappy with the exceptions for mandatory health and safety representatives in some workplaces. Peter Dunne and Maori Party remained in support after negotiating some changes. Committee stage completed after 14 hours of debate on August 25. Received third reading on August 27 divided into five bills – The main health and safety bill passed with the support of National, Maori Party, ACT and United Future. Four of the divided bills – concerning, ACC, hazardous substances, employment relations amendments and WorkSafe NZ were passed with NZ First opposed.   Health and Safety Reform Bill