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Health (Drinking Water) Amendment Bill

Introduced on July 5. The bill amends the drinking water parts of the Health Act following the Government Inquiry into Havelock North Drinking Water. The main provisions in the Bill remove requirements for the Ministry of Health to consult for 3 years and gazette changes for 2 years prior to making any changes to the drinking-water standards. It also clarifies that water safety plans must include timetables to mitigate risks to drinking water. First reading completed on Nov 8 with all parties in agreement and referred to the Health Committee. National MPs warned there could be some push back from communities over compulsory treatment of municipal water supplies in pristine bore areas. Reported back from select committee on May 7 with a number of changes intended to tighten water quality requirements. Second reading completed on June 27 with all parties in support. Committee stage completed on July 23 and third reading on July 25 with all parties in agreement.  Health (Drinking Water) Amendment Bill