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Immigration Amendment Bill (No 2)

Sets a maximum sentence of seven years prison for employers who exploit immigrants and deportation for employers who hold residence visas if the offence was committed within 10 years of gaining residence. Also address gaps in the compliance regime and responds to new technology. First reading on Nov 19 2011 was completed with NZ First and Mana opposed, reported back from the Transport and Industrial Relations on May 16. Labour and the Greens withdrew their support for the bill saying it did not do enough to protect immigrant workers who wanted to report abuse. They also objected to the wide powers given to immigration officials. Completed its second reading on Feb 10  by 61 to 59 with National, ACT and United Future in favour. Labour and the Greens indicated they  withdrew their support from the bill as it would not adequately deal with the problems around vulnerable immigrant workers. Completed its committee stage on March 31 with all parties but National, ACT and United Future still opposed with most speeches in opposition focussing on the powers given to immigration officials.  Passed its third reading on April 30 with National saying it would make a real difference in cracking down on the exploitation of immigrant workers. Labour, Greens and NZ First disagreed saying it was window dressing and would be counter-productive. Immigration Amendment Bill (No 2)