The Hugo Group

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Natural and Built Environment Bill

Introduced on Nov 15. The bill replaces and repeals the Resource Management Act in tandem with the Spatial Planning Bill. The NBEA will lay out the framework for regulating both environmental management and land use planning. Its intent is to enable use and development within environmental limits and targets. First reading on Nov 22 with National, Act and Te Paati Māori opposed. Sent to the environment committee. Reported back on June 27 with extensive changes but the initial intent of the bill intact. National, Act and Green party all filing minority reports. National pledged to repeal the RMA reform bills before Christmas if elected to govt saying the replacement would be worse than the original. Second reading completed on July 18 with Labour, Greens and Kerekere in favour. Committee stage completed on Aug 1. Third reading on Aug 15 with National, Act and Te Paati Māori opposed.

Natural and Built Environment Bill