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Policing (Cost Recovery) Amendment Bill

Allows the Police to charge fees and recover costs for some of it services. Cabinet has agreed this will only apply to vetting services. Given its first reading on November 4 2014 and sent to the Law and Order Committee for consideration by 105 to 16 with the Green and Maori Party opposed. Labour MPs also expressed misgivings saying the changes were originally intended to help meet the costs of policing profit making events such as concerts and sporting matches. They feared the vetting service charges would hit cash-strapped organisations hardest. Submissions closed on Feb 5 2015 with a report due by May 4 2015. Fierce opposition led to the report back deadline being pushed back to June 29 with the Govt indicating it was considering exemptions to the charging regime. Reported back from select committee on June 29 2015 with a number of amendments including tightening of  rules about what could be charged for and how waivers would be issued. Labour, Greens and NZ First all made minority reports strongly opposing the bill. They argued police charges could easily spread and become more expensive. After a year’s delay the Govt took the Bill to second reading on Sept 15 after agreeing with Peter Dunne to exempt charities from the vetting fees. Labour, Greens and NZ First remained opposed due to fears the current plans would be expensive for schools and the charging regime would widen in the future. Committee stage completed on October 12 with a number of amendments to reflect support parties concerns, but maintaining the thrust of the Bill. Third reading completed on November 1 with Labour, Greens and NZ First opposed. Policing (Cost Recovery) Amendment Bill