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Racing Reform Bill

Introduced on May 21. The Bill includes recommendations of the Messara Report and is intended to revitalise the racing industry. Reconstitutes the Racing Board into the Racing Industry Transition Agency. Sets up a process to charge fees to offshore betting operators providing betting services to NZers. The Bill reduces over a 3-year period, and then repeals, the totalisator duty currently paid by the NZRB to the Crown and sets up a new regulatory framework for the distribution of funds to sporting bodies, allows betting on sports not represented by a domestic national sporting organisation, provided an agreement is in place with Sport NZ. Further legislative reform is proposed. First reading on May 28 with National opposed with MPs expressing concern sporting bodies would lose out with the new distribution process. They also objected to the Bill being sent to the Transport and Infrastructure Committee with a report back deadline of June 11. The Bill was reported back on June 11 with minor amendments. Second reading June 18, Committee stage June 19 and third reading on June 20 with all parties in agreement.


Racing Reform Bill