The Hugo Group

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Resource Management Amendment Bill

Introduced on Sept 23, the Bill reverses a number of changes made by the last govt in 2017 around notifications and ministerial powers. It also introduces a new process using freshwater commissioners to fast track council’s implementation of new freshwater plans, similar to the process used to speed up the Auckland Unitary Plan. First reading on Sept 26 with National and ACT opposed saying many of the changes would make the law even more complex and increases costs and delays. Sent to the Environment Committee. Reported back on March 30 with a large number of mainly technical change. National put in a minority report opposing the Bill particularly around the inclusion of climate change as an issue councils should take into account under the RMA. Second reading completed on June 3 with National and ACT continuing to oppose. Committee stage June 24 with a number of changes made including making farm environment reports to be mandatory and audited, and giving powers to collect information on nitrogen fertilisers. Third reading on June 24 with National and ACT opposed.

Resource Management Amendment Bill