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Tasman District Council (Waimea Water Augmentation Scheme) Bill

Introduced on August 14, 2018. A local bill sponsored by Nick Smith to enable the Waimea Dam to be built. Its main purpose is to give the council an inundation easement over 9.6 hectares of Conservation land in the Mount Richmond State Forest Park and ownership of the land where the dam will be built. National and Labour have indicated support. After a delay while funding was finalised the Bill received its first reading on Sept 19 with only the Greens opposed. The Bill was sent to the Governance and Administration Committee with a shortened time frame for consideration. Submissions close on Oct 5 and the report back is due by Nov 7. Reported back on Nov 6 with minor amendments. Second reading completed on Nov 28. Committee stage and third reading completed on Dec 12 with the permission of the House. Only the Greens opposed the Bill. Tasman District Council (Waimea Water Augmentation Scheme) Bill