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Taxation (Residential Land Withholding Tax, GST on Online Services, and Student Loans) Bill

Introduced on Nov 16 the bill proposes a new residential land withholding tax to act as a collection mechanism for the bright-line test. It also provides for the sharing of information between IRD and the Australian Taxation Office in relation to NZ student loan borrowers residing in Australia. It also proposes the collection of GST on cross-border services and intangibles, including internet downloads and online services. The wider issue of the collection of GST on small value imports has been pushed back into a discussion document next year. Only NZ First voted against the bill at its first reading on December 8, mainly because the GST collection provisions did not go far enough. Labour MPs also expressed support for wider GST collection on imports and doubts around the effectiveness of the bright line provisions. Referred to the Finance and Expenditure committee with submissions closing on January 26. Select committee reported back on March 21. Changes have been made around the administration of the withholding tax, including a new definition of an “offshore person”. Many submissions focussed around difficulties in the new tax and potential unintended consequences. The bill completed its second reading debate on March 31 with just NZ First opposed. Committee stage completed on April 12 with no further amendments. Third reading debate interrupted on May 3 and completed on May 10 by 109 to 12 with NZ First opposed. Taxation (Residential Land Withholding Tax, GST on Online Services, and Student Loans) Bill