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Telecommunications (New Regulatory Framework) Amendment Bill

Introduced on August 8. The Bill proposes establishing a regulatory framework for fibre fixed line access services; remove unnecessary copper fixed line access service regulation; streamline regulatory processes; and provide more regulatory oversight of retail service quality. First reading completed on August 16 with all parties expressing agreement, but numerous MPs saying it would need careful consideration in the Commerce Committee. Report back extended to May 4. Reported back on May 4 with a large number of amendments around the regulation of  Chorus, its business activities and pricing. There are indications of further amendments at the committee stage.  Second reading completed on Sept 18 with all parties in agreement. Committee stage begun and interrupted on Oct 23 with Govt amendments introduced enabling a new regulated price structure including setting a cap based on an earlier price path. Committee stage completed on Oct 30. Third reading completed on Nov 6.Telecommunications (New Regulatory Framework) Amendment Bill