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Telecommunications (Property Access and Other Matters) Amendment Bill

Introduced on June 29, the Bill intends primarily to address broadband connections where joint property ownership – such as shared driveways and apartment buildings – are delaying or preventing connection. Aside from a simplified consenting regime and dispute resolution mechanism, the bill also makes amendments to amounts payable by liable persons to the Crown. It also makes amendments in relation to participation in the Ultra-fast Broadband Initiative and amends the liability allocation process for telecommunications providers. All parties in support when the Bill was given its first reading on July 5 and sent to the Commerce Committee for consideration. The Bill has a shortened submission process with a report back deadline of November 7. Report back extended to November 28. The Select Committee produced an interim report saying it was looking at inserting statutory rights of access to use existing electricity works (for example power poles) for deploying fibre optic cable. Final report back extended to December 13. Reported back on December 13 with a wide range of mainly technical changes. The rights of access to use power poles to install fibre have been included. Completed second reading on February 15 with all parties in agreement. Completed committee stage on April 4 with no major changes and completed third reading on April 11 with all parties in agreement. Telecommunications (Property Access and Other Matters) Amendment Bill