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Venture Capital Fund Bill

Introduced on Aug 22 the bill sets up a Venture Capital Fund and for the Guardians of NZ Superannuation to manage and administer the fund. First reading on Aug 27 with Economic Development Minister David Parker the Venture Investment Fund will run a fund of fund models, appointing VC fund managers who will bring matching funds with a goal of generating appropriate risk-adjusted returns. The funds will then be returned to meet the future needs of superannuation. Supported by all parties but National objected to the shortened time frame for the Finance and Expenditure Committee with a report due by December 2Reported back on Nov 25 with minor changes including widening the Fund’s purpose to encourage the development of more self-sustaining private venture capital funds. Second reading Dec 5, committee stage Dec 10 and third reading Dec 11 with ACT opposed.Venture Capital Fund Bill