The Hugo Group

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Residential Tenancies (Safe and Secure Rentals) Amendment Bill

A bill in the name of Green Co-leader Metiria Turei drawn from the ballot on August 11. The Bill proposes a number of changes to the Residential Tenancies Act. These include; existing tenants having the right of renewal/right of first once their lease period has ended, rental contract must include criteria to calculate any future rental increase and the removal of tenants leasing fees. The Bill would only allow rent on a house be increased once every 12 months and remove the ability of landlords to give a reduced notice period of 42 days in the event they decide to sell their tenanted property, and restores the standard 90-day notice period. National, ACT and United Future defeated the Bill at its first reading debate on November 30. Residential Tenancies (Safe and Secure Rentals) Amendment Bill