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Canterbury Earthquakes Insurance Tribunal Bill

Introduced on August 1. This bill establishes the Canterbury Earthquakes Insurance Tribunal. The tribunal’s purpose is to provide speedy, flexible, and cost-effective services to help resolve insurance claims between policyholders and insurers, and insured persons and the Earthquake Commission Act. Completed first reading on September 4 with all parties in support, but National expressing doubt about whether it would work. Reported back on March 18 with a large number of technical changes. Second reading completed on April 11. National voted in favour, but said this was dependent on further changes in the committee stage. This included allowing insurers to lodge claims, changes to tribunal procedure and its membership. Committee stage completed on May 8 with the govt not accepting National’s amendments  and National indicating they will oppose. Third reading completed on May 29 with National still opposed. Canterbury Earthquakes Insurance Tribunal Bill