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Education Legislation Bill

Omnibus bill introduced on November 26. The bill changes  administrative and governance arrangements for educational entities and funding organisations across the education sector. Amongst the changes are  allowing schools to change their opening hours with the agreement of their community. The Bill will also allow licensed home-based early childhood education providers to offer out of school care to school-age children and  a principal to be employed to manage more than one school. Strongly opposed by Labour, Greens and NZ First at its first reading on December 8. Objections ranged from opposition to charter schools, concerns over flexibility and quality standards of  early childhood education provisions. Sent to the Education and Science Committee with submissions closing on February 19. The report back deadline was extended from June 8 to June 30 and was reported back on that date with a number of changes. Second reading completed on August 16 by 63 to 57 with National, Maori Party, ACT and United Future in support. Committee stage was interrupted Sept 14. Opposition MPs disagreed with large parts of the bill including allowing schools flexibility in deciding opening and closing hours of the school day and the charter school model. Committee stage completed on October 11 and third reading on October 20 by 63 to 55 with Labour, Greens and NZ First opposed. Education Legislation Bill