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Health and Safety at Work (Volunteer Associations) Amendment Bill

Bill drawn from the ballot on Feb 22 in the name of Harete Hipango. The Bill amends the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 to allow volunteer associations that employ a person or persons for not greater than 100 hours per week to be excluded from the definition of a person conducting a business or undertaking. First reading debate interrupted on April 4 with Labour indicating it would vote against the Bill. First reading completed on May 2, Labour and Greens opposed, but the Bill progressed with National, NZ First and ACT in favour. Referred to the Education and Workforce Committee. Report back extended from Nov 2 Nov 9. Reported back on Nov 8 with all parties agree it should not proceed. Labour and the Greens said it is doubtful the bill would achieve its stated purpose for any smaller voluntary organisations that are currently finding it difficult to comply with the law. It would make a complex and imperfect law worse. They said the Government “is thinking about a wider review of the HSW Act and we would encourage him to include these issues”.  Voted down by Labour, NZ First and the Greens on April 3.Health and Safety at Work (Volunteer Associations) Amendment Bill