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Patents (Trans-Tasman Patent Attorneys and Other Matters) Amendment Bill

Introduced on Nov 3 the bill establishes a single trans-Tasman patent attorney regime. The intent is also to increase competition and modernise the patent attorney occupational framework with single qualification requirements and professional standards. It will enables a single patent application and examination process to be implemented between IP Australia and the Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand. It also changes the grounds on which a person can oppose the grant of a patent. Awaiting first reading. Completed its first reading on Feb 9, 2016 with the support of all parties. Sent to the Commerce Committee for consideration with submissions closing on March 24. Reported back on July 17 with the bill gutted by the select committee. Commerce Minister Paul Goldsmith and his officials came in for stinging criticism from a committee dominated by National MPs. Its main purpose is to implement a single trans-Tasman registration regime for patent attorney remains intact. However its plan to set up a single patent process between NZ and Aust has been dumped. The committee it would have inflicted costs for little benefit and was unlikely to be used. The committee said there was a lack of consultation and officials’ work was “inadequate”. Labour MPs were even more stinging saying the lack of due process was a debacle which has forced the Govt to justify a complete reversal of its original position. Completed its second reading on October 13 with NZ First and Maori Party opposed. Committee stage completed on November 2 with no major changes from the select committee amendments and third reading completed on November 15 with the Maori Party and NZ First still opposed.   Patents (Trans-Tasman Patent Attorneys and Other Matters) Amendment Bill