The Hugo Group

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Private International Law (Choice of Law in Tort) Bill

A member’s bill in the name of National’s David Bennett. Introduced on Sept 22, the Bill clarifies which jurisdiction’s law is applicable in actions of tort and provides guidance to the courts on matters of characterisation. This bill also abolishes certain common law rules dealing with actionability and sets out the general rule that the applicable law will be the law of the jurisdiction in which the events constituting the tort in question occur. Completed its first reading on December 7 and sent to the  Justice and Electoral Committee. Only NZ First opposed the Bill arguing it was not necessary and was not the best solution to the problem it tried to address. Bill transferred to Sarah Dowie and reported back from select committee on June 7 with minor amendments. Completed second reading on June 28 on a voice vote. Committee stage completed by agreement on July 26 with no amendments. Third reading completed with all parties in favour on Nov 29. Private International Law (Choice of Law in Tort) Bill.