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Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement Amendment Bill

An omnibus bill introduced on May 9. The bill amends law as part of the implementation of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement. On May 12, the Bill was read a first time and referred to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee with a November 12 report back date. The vote was in favour – National 59; ACT 1; Labour 1; United Future 1 with Labour previously saying Phil Goff had been given permission to vote against the caucus position. Labour’s remaining 31 MPs, the Greens 14, NZ First 12 and Māori Party 2 opposed the bill. Submissions close on July 22. Reported back from Select Committee on October 27 and given a high priority by the Government. All remaining stages were completed with the third reading on November 15 supported just by National, ACT and United Future. Opposition parties still opposed the bill and the trade deal. They mocked the Government for using parliamentary time to pass legislation to ratify a “dead duck” trade deal. The Government insisted it was important to send a message other countries that NZ still wanted the TPPA to be completed and was open to further trade talks with like minded countries.  Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement Amendment Bill