The Hugo Group

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Water Services Entities Bill

Introduced on June 2 the bill is the first in a suite of legislation to implement the three waters reform. In particular, this bill creates the framework for four publicly owned water services entities created out of councils existing water assets. First reading on June 29 opposed by National and Act. Sent to the Finance and Expenditure Committee with a Nov 11 report back. Reported back on Nov 11 with a number of amendments but the substantive thrust of the bill retained. Second reading on Nov 16 with National and Act still opposed. Committee stage completed under urgency on Nov 22 with National, Act and Te Paati Maori opposed. The bill was sent back to the committee stage on Dec 6 after Labour had second thoughts on a clause which attempted to entrench anti-privatisation provisions put in by the Greens at the committee stage. The clause was removed with only the Greens opposed. Third reading on Dec 7 with all parties except Labour opposed.

Water Services Entities Bill