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Legislative Updates

This register is updated regularly and new developments are reported in every second edition of Hugovision.

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  • Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) (Improving Mental Health Outcomes) Amendment Bill

    September 10, 2023 / Bills in progress

  • Introduced on Aug 31 2023. A member’s bill in the name of Katie Nimon, it requires the Minister of Health to consult with the Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission in the preparation of strategic documents, including Health Strategies, the NZ Health Plan, and the Government Policy Statement. It also requires the minister to prepare and determine a Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy. First reading on Feb 14 with all parties in favour and sent to the health committee for consideration.

    Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) (Improving Mental Health Outcomes) Amendment Bill

  • Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) (Provision of Breast Cancer Screening Services) Amendment Bill

    August 13, 2023 / Bills in progress

  • Introduced on July 27. A member’s bill in the name of Shane Reti. The bill aims to extend routine free breast cancer screening age from 69 to 74 while also future-proofing breast cancer screening for future changes in scope, frequency, and eligibility. First reading on Feb 14 with all parties in favour and sent to the health committee for consideration.


    Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) (Provision of Breast Cancer Screening Services) Amendment Bill

  • Parole (Mandatory Completion of Rehabilitative Programmes) Amendment Bill

    March 4, 2024 / Bills in progress

  • Member’s bill in the name of Todd Stephenson drawn from the ballot on Feb 15. The bill makes it a requirement for people in a corrections facility to complete skills and rehabilitation programmes prior to being considered for parole. First reading on Feb 29 with the Greens and Te Pāti Māori opposed and sent to the justice committee.


    Parole (Mandatory Completion of Rehabilitative Programmes) Amendment Bill

  • Privacy Amendment Bill

    December 16, 2023 / Bills in progress

  • Introduced on Sept 6 2023. The bill requires an agency (public or private) to notify an individual when it collects personal information about the individual indirectly (ie, from a source other than from the individual concerned). First reading on May 2 and sent to the justice committee with all parties in agreement.



    Privacy Amendment Bill

  • Regulatory Systems (Economic Development) Amendment Bill

    May 27, 2024 / Bills in progress

  • Introduced on May 23. The bill makes a raft of minor amendments to numerous regulatory regimes. First reading on June 2w with all parties in favour and sent to the education and workforce committee.
    Regulatory Systems (Economic Development) Amendment Bill

  • Regulatory Systems (Education) Amendment Bill

    April 9, 2023 / Bills in progress

  • Introduced on March 23. An omnibus bill mainly making administrative amendments. First reading on March 29 with National and Act opposed. Sent to the education and workforce committee. Reported back on June 23 2003. Second reading on March 27 with all parties in favour.

    Regulatory Systems (Education) Amendment Bill

  • Regulatory Systems (Immigration and Workforce) Amendment Bill

    May 27, 2024 / Bills in progress

  • Introduced on May 23. Introduced on May 23. The bill makes a raft of minor amendments to numerous regulatory regimes. First reading on June 24 with all parties in favour and sent to the education and workforce committee.

    Regulatory Systems (Immigration and Workforce) Amendment Bill


  • Regulatory Systems (Primary Industries) Amendment Bill

    July 15, 2023 / Bills in progress

  • Introduced on June 21 2023. A tidy-up bill used a vehicle for minor and non-controversial changes for primary sector legislation and regulation. First reading on March 27 2024 and referred to primary production committee with all parties in favour. The bill was discharged on June 24 due to no minister being available to speak to it.

    Regulatory Systems (Primary Industries) Amendment Bill

  • Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill

    May 27, 2024 / Bills in progress

  • Introduced on May 16. The bill repeals a number of reforms to the Residential Tenancies Act made between 2018 and 2020. These include the reinstatement of 90-day no-cause terminations for periodic tenancies, returning landlords’ notice period for periodic tenancies to 42 days for certain grounds, and allowing landlords to give notice to end a fixed-term tenancy at the end of the term without providing a specific reason. It also introduces a range of changes related to tenants keeping pets in rental properties. First reading on May 21 with National, Act and NZ First in favour. Referred to the social services and community committee.


    Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill

  • Resource Management (Extended Duration of Coastal Permits for Marine Farms) Amendment Bill

    June 20, 2024 / Bills in progress

  • Introduced under Urgency on May 30. The bill extends the current duration of all coastal permits currently issued under the Resource Management Act authorising aquaculture activities by 20 years, but not beyond 2050. First reading completed on May 30 with National, Act and NZ First in favour. Sent to the Primary Production Committee to be reported back by July 18. Reported back on July 18 with several amendments and minority reports opposing from Labour and the Greens.

    Resource Management (Extended Duration of Coastal Permits for Marine Farms) Amendment Bill